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This site is now collecting forecast data directly from NOAA weather models. This means that we are no longer relying on a commercial data mangler that can apply a proprietary and unexplained algorithm to the data, and may change services at any moment. Instead, we are accessing data from the Global Forecast System (GFS) for primary wind forecasts, the North American Mesoscale Forecast System (NAM) for short term high resolution wind forecasts, and the WAVEWATCH III for sea state forecasts. For a detailed description of how we obtain and present the forecast data, see How does it work?

The majority of spot positions have been modified to more accurately align with the GFS grid coordinates. On occasions, the spot's location was shifted towards the offshore to ensure its placement within the limits of the WAVEWATCH III model.

We understand that we are not professional meteorologists, and this site is a passion project for us. We hope that it will be useful to the sailing community, and we are always open to feedback and suggestions on how to improve the presentation of the data. If you have any experience in meteorology and would like to offer advice, please feel free to contact