The Ham Radio Net Serving the Sea of Cortez

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This site is now collecting forecast data directly from NOAA weather models. This means that we are no longer relying on a commercial data mangler that...

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What’s this all about?

The Sonrisa Net is a friendly and relaxed HAM net that meets daily on 3968khz LSB at 13:30z to support cruisers in the Sea of Cortez and Pacific Mexico. For many years Geary Ritchie,...

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How does it work?
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Basically, we download GRIB-like data files from various weather models for the area we cover, extract information for spots of interest, summarize it by...

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How to use this site

Welcome to our site, designed to make your weather report on the Sonrisa Net a breeze. We gather point or spot forecasts from various weather models, summarize the data, and present it in a convenient table that's easy to digest and deliver on the...

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Advice for net controllers

If you haven’t already, be sure to read the section on How to use this site. We present a lot of data in an easy-to-scan format, but obviously, you don’t have to read it all for your weather report....

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Zone Forecasts

While zone forecasts covering defined areas are already available via the NOAA OFFPZ7 and...

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How can I help?

We value your feedback greatly! We know we can’t think of everything ourselves, so please don't hesitate to make suggestions. Whether you like or dislike something, or have ideas on what we can add, we want to...

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Our goal is to present weather forecast data from various sources in a way that is friendly to sailors and cruisers on the Pacific coast of Mexico.

However, please note that weather forecasts are inherently unreliable and can change rapidly....

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